Tuesday, 16 August 2011

An abundance of Apples.

 My friend Caroline gave me a bag of apples from her apple tree. The bag of apples sat in the fridge for a few days until inspiration hit; the arrival of my new kitchen aid mixer! My family pooled together and got me a Kitchen Aid Pro 600, bring on the baked goods. Project number one: Cheddar and Apple Scones, recipe from Smitten Kitchen.
 The unbaked dough, just cut into six pieces, egg-wash, sprinkle with sugar and bake at 375F for 30 minutes.
 We headed to the beach to enjoy the freshly baked scones, at 8:00am, it was perfectly quiet.
 The finished product.
 It went down fairly well I'd say. They turned out amazingly, super delicious and complex flavours. Just the right mix of sweet and savoury.
 We quite enjoyed our view, Lily in the foreground and the ocean in the background.
 Project number two: Lemon scented cinnamon apple sauce, also from Smitten Kitchen . Super easy, put the apples, cinnamon, lemon peel and 1 cup water, and cook on stove top for 30 minutes or until they are sufficiently mushy. When it cooled, I used an immersion blender to make it nice and smooth. Delish!
Loved by Lily (and the rest of us!)


  1. yum! I had a bunch of apples that were really tart and I cut them and put them in the dehydrator. I was surprised how quickly they dried into delicious and nutritious sweet treats!

    Tomorrow we'll pick salal berries for jam! I'll send the recipe. This year is a great year for salal berries because of all the rain.

  2. looks sooo good! lets have a baking date?

  3. oops, from mollie

  4. I WANT A PICTURE OF THE KITCHENAID. my ultimate porn. This looks fantastic.

  5. Just a wee bit jealous about the Kitchen Aid. I still have to try these though! I am determined to find a place where I can go apple picking here next month.

  6. I will try to post a picture of the kitchen aid soon, it is amazing and everyone should have one!
