Wednesday, 7 September 2011

No more Dummies.

So today is day four of being soother free. Dan and I decided it was time our lovely girl give up her friend, the dummy, soother, binky, whatever you want to call it, it's now in the "trash" as Dan calls it. It was kind of decided on a whim and I almost instantly wanted to take back our decision. She doesn't really use her soother that much, but the few minutes between breastfeeding and sleep, I guess they were pretty important. So far, the first day went ok, she went down for all her naps pretty well, it took about 30 minutes to get her to sleep (over the usual 15). Where we really started to see the error of our ways was at bedtime. I honestly didn't think she needed her soother that much, but I guess I was wrong. Two and a half hours later, Lily finally fell asleep and so did we. It didn't last long, we were up every hour trying to get her "soothed" without her soother. Last night was night three and the improvement was amazing, she is slowly learning to sooth herself. It is so sweet to see her new little sleep habits forming, she comes off the breast, turns onto her side and sings herself to sleep (more like a hum really). I know that a lot of people might suggest the "cry it out method", but that isn't something that works for our family. I don't mean to say it won't for yours, but I did a little research and decided it wasn't best for us. Besides, she is only little for such a short amount of time, I might as well get my cuddles in now. It really makes you think about the little rituals you do to get yourself to sleep. Any tips? xoxo.
p.s. It takes between 3-14 days to change a babies sleep habits, so if you don't see any improvement right away, stick with it, I'm sure it will be worth it in the end... at least I hope so.
p.p.s. Sorry for the lack of posts, I'm TIRED!


  1. It seems like such a fine line between teaching kids how to be independent and not making yourself crazy. Have you tried the Happiest Baby on the Block shushing technique? Apparently babies love it?

  2. We did a lot of Happiest baby on the block with Lily when she was really small, I think it only works on them during that "fourth trimester" phase (until 3 months old.) but I might as well try! You are so up on your baby stuff!

  3. Fourth trimester! I never heard that before, I love it.
