Monday, 3 October 2011

Fall Intentions

A few of my favourite bloggers always make a list of goals or things they intend on doing for the fall. I think this is such a wonderful idea because it helps you stay accountable to yourself, helps to document what you accomplish throughout the season and may motivate someone else to do the same! Here's the list so far:

  • Go to the pumpkin patch
  • Make Lily's halloween costume
  • Do a family photoshoot
  • Use those photos to make a Christmas card
  • Knit all of our family winter hats 
  • Knit mittens for Lily and I 
  • Read this book and this one 
  • Look for a used copy of this book
  • Set up a Montessori style play area for Lily
  • Make a pumpkin pie from scratch
  • Make bread weekly
  • Make a weekly fall like soup
  • De-clutter and simplify the house
Thats it for now, I think I can get it all done. I will keep you posted along the way. Fall is just the best.


  1. Your a magical gal!!!love Pa

  2. Such a good list! I'm looking forward to crossing some things off our lists while I'm there. Also, so stoked for the Montessori play area! I love Montessori.

  3. This sounds so lovely. I am a bit mitten crazed these days...I just did a post with a link to fantastic pattern that can be made in 5 different sizes. Let the knitting begin....
